Privacy Statement

1. Introduction
As of May 25th 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is active.
This memo proposes a privacy statement for Berkers Engineering’s (‘BE’) corporate website. This is a requirement since BE acquires data related to natural persons via this website.

2. Privacy statement
When you visit this website,
Berkers Engineering (‘BE’), as a controller, processes your personal data. This privacy statement explains what types of data BE acquires what it does with that data and your rights regarding the processing of your data by BE. This privacy statement may be changed from time to time. You are advised to regularly review the privacy statement for possible changes.

2.1. Types of data
Just like most websites, BE processes the IP addresses of visitors to it’s website.

2.2. Purpose and processing of data

2.2.1. Purpose
BE processes your personal data for several purposes:

1. For the analysis of various aspects of visits, such as the location of visitors and what pages are viewed. To do this, BE uses Google Analytics.

2. To keep BE’s website secure and reachable.

3. To develop services, including our website.

4. To comply with legal obligations. For example when a supervisory authority asks for your personal data.

5. For historical, statistical and/or scientific purposes. For example to see how many customers BE had on the website of BE throughout the years.

2.2.2. Website visits

As stated BE uses Google Analytics services. Google Analytics uses analytic cookies. 

2.2.3. Personal data 

The data you provide when filling in the contact form is accessible for employees of the relevant department of BE. By sending the form you give BE your consent to process your personal data. Your personal data is sent via the BE website. 

2.3. Consent
For the processing of some personal data, BE needs your consent. By consenting to this privacy notice, you are giving us permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified.

2.4. Disclosure
BE will not disclose your personal data to third parties without first obtaining your consent, if necessary, unless this is required for a declaration of offense or necessary for the purpose of the processing.

2.5. Storage
When you visit our website, BE does not store your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose. Except for personal data that BE needs to store for a longer period because BE is legally obliged to do so.

2.6. Your privacy rights
You have the right to ask for insight in your personal data that BE processes, the right to correct this data, as well as the right to have BE remove your personal data or to have BE (temporarily) stop processing your personal data.

Contact details




You can also use this address to withdraw your consent, in case you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data or when you have a question regarding this privacy statement isa